Program: How to Address Thanksgiving Challenges

Many of us feel sad and lonely when the end of the year holidays approach. We often spend time reminiscing about the “good old days,” or we focus on past regrets and current resentments. Sometimes we “celebrate” Thanksgiving in a way that is more about “duty” than fun, gratitude and enjoyment. On the other hand, some of us have re-designed Thanksgiving in a way that provides serenity and a rest from the daily routine. I once had a patient who told me, “I’m not doing Thanksgiving this year. I am so happy about my decision and I don’t care who doesn’t like it. I am going to a dog park with my dog, Fido, and watch him run around. I’m not cooking. I’m just resting!”

I asked my patient how she came to make this change. She had spent many years hosting all her relatives who reportedly, “came, ate, drank and left!” She said that she and her husband had a “great” conversation about their Thanksgiving tradition and they agreed it was time for a change. She and her husband took turns calling their relatives to advise them that they were not hosting the Thanksgiving holiday this year. They had another conversation planning what the two of them wanted to do. She went to the dog park for two hours. He played tennis. They agreed that after that they would rest and order dinner delivered – no, not turkey but something unusual that they would both enjoy. They ordered a Peruvian dinner.

If you love your Thanksgiving traditions, enjoy each and every moment of them. If you don’t consider what you would like to do differently. What would make YOU happy?

I wish you a peaceful holiday. Take time to be grateful for what you have. Take time to cherish your healthy relationships. Have a rest if possible. Refresh yourself.

We will be discussing this on the November 21 opening program. Please send questions through the America’s Web Radio web site. We will answer as many as we can during the last part of the Dr. Ann’s Relationship Radio program. Until then –


Introduction for America’s Web Radio

New Programming Announcement

My name is Ann Schiebert. I am a psychologist with years of experience helping patients with a multitude of issues. I have spent decades working in the Emergency Department and in the Mental Health Clinic of a major HMO where I am a trauma, addiction and codependency specialist.

The name of this new program is called, Dr. Ann’s Relationship Radio Show. Every week I will spend the first part of each program addressing a timely topic. Hopefully, the information provided will offer my listeners knowledge which will help them handle familiar and unfamiliar challenges.

The subsequent program segments will be dedicated to providing listeners with alternative ways to consider the timely topic, to guests and to answering your questions. I invite you to complete the Question Form and to send in your questions. YOUR participation will make this program YOURS and that is its goal – to provide information and to help listeners create new ways of meeting relationship challenges. Almost everything has to do with relationships!

Use the hashtag #AskDrAnn to send us your questions.

The first program will begin on November 21 at 7:00 am Pacific Standard Time, 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time and 9:00 am Central.  Check your local listings for other program airings.

Hot Topics

November 21: Welcome to the program. It’s the holidays. How to Address Thanksgiving Challenges.

November 28: Holiday Shopping and The Budget

December 5: Hanukkah and Christmas – What’s Your “Get Through It” plan?

December 12: To Decorate or Not to Decorate – A Relationship Opportunity!

                        Take Care of Yourself During the Holidays.

December 19: Solutions for Holiday Challenges

December 26: New Year’s – Fun? Dumb? Numb?

January 2, 2019: Creating a Very Different January

January 9, 2019: Making Very Important Changes

Please check in on a regular basis for program updates.

I look forward to being a regular host on America’s Web Radio and I am delighted to be interacting with you all and helping you create happier more fulfilling lives.

11/16/18 Guest Michael Philips

Learn about one global consultant’s work in over 40 nations to help them achieve clean and renewable energy systems and to adjust to climate changes that are a threat to whole regions. It takes a team of technology, finance and public policy experts and with the help of Michael Philips as a team leader there are cities, nations and regions making smart decisions to become more resilient.


Do you ever take time to sit back and reflect on the changes of today. It’s like our kids or my kids 33 and 31 grew up with computers really even in their cribs of some sort or the monitor that monitored every move they made and yet today that is really old tech! Then again if you’ve lived more than three decades almost everything is old tech. It is amazing what the transistor and chip have lead to and most if not all directly or indirectly associated to and with the sixties space program. I can remember, because I’m so old some of the new tech back in the sixties and early seventies was labeled as coming from the “Devil’s Work Shop” and could only lead to the destruction of the world. Well maybe in its own way it has or has it prevented the destruction of the world by man?
When and where I got my BS is exactly what I got. It sure didn’t prepare me to handle even the simplest of computers, do you remember that project you had to do in the “Computer Lab” with punch cards and talking about “hanging chads” all those stupid little holes had to match up. Well just as today I couldn’t figure it out so I took the entrepreneurial way out and hired some geek to do it for me. The geek has probably made millions and I still don’t understand those damn punch cards. But life goes on with me not understanding more and more of the high tech stuff. Like I really can’t get too excited about driving down the street and seeing a car coming towards me with no driver, how about you? And many hi-tech products coming down the gadget world towards all of us. Which brings up the question, how much money does it take to stay current with the hi-tech world? Only Gates has enough.
The question is what’s next well it can’t be the Dick Tracy telephone watch from the comics we already have one. So what do you think is next? Let me know or if you’re looking for an affordable way to nationally expose your business contact me at and let’s do the old thing of talking on the phone, “Smart phone of course”.
Hope you enjoyed this blog and it made you reflect. You like conservative and varied listen to Thanks!
Oh do we have all this hi-tech and changes because the world is spinning faster on its axis or is just because of Global Warming thank you very much.


Anyone besides me in a small business tired of getting an over abundance of paperwork from our favorite Uncle? Not only in my opinion most of what the government sends one is a waste: waste of time, waste of paper, waste of postage and is generally worthless! In general the paperwork will send one to a website that is supposed to speed things up but after wasting a lot of time trying to make the site work one ultimate has to call for gelp. At this point I must say that generally speaking I have been pleasantly surprised at the individuals I get at the othe end of the line. They do help, seem to care and must have the patience of a saint. And get one like me through some stupid form.

OK your turn I’d like to hear from you. Do you get what you consider needless paperwork from your favorite Uncle? I get this damn stupid census form every year and was told this year once one is on the list there’s no getting off, great! Why don’t they have a box that one can check that simply says same as last year or nothings changed. They are the all mighty record keepers why do I have to go through all the aggravation of doing the same thing over and over again? Who’s in charge of all this wasted time and paper? And we wonder why people stay pissed at the government. My thought to is if the government would cut down on all the stupid paperwork and mailing maybe it would relieve the mail folks to do a better job with getting us our mail (bills) in a timely manner. Think about that one.

So, what are we going to do? Have you heard ONE polician mention cutting down on the stupid government paperwork? If so vote for them! But the truth is most of the politicians have never owned a small business or had to deal with all the wasteful government paperwork. It is crazy and so unimportant in most cases, agree? Let me hear from you, my email is

Also are you looking for a national forum for your business or opinion? That’s what is. We’re very cost effective and always looking for new and interesting shows. So, give it some thought and again let me hear from you. Thanks, hope you enjoy the blog.

Oxymoron of the 21 Century – “Honest Contractor”

Have you recently either tried to get something fixed?  Which generally isn’t too bad if one goes through reputable source and sticks with known businesses BUT on-the-other- hand if you’ve decided to build or remodel in or around your home you like I was in for a shock and found over a number of months one just can’t trust these people that call themselves contractors and in Georgia anyone can call themselves contractors and lie like a rug.  It is terrible and many are NOT contractors they are scam artist and that’s how they make their money particular off senior citizens but everyone else in need. Yes, many if not most of these “contractors” are CROOKS from the get go and just after suckers like me that grew up taking people at their word! Boy is that a mistake! They CON artist use pictures, fake references and know you better than you do.  That means they can quickly home in on what you want to hear and that’s exactly what they’ll tell you. Take it from one of their pigeons that was sold a bill of goods and lost time, money and was without a Master Bath for the past 6 months. Many general contractors are not contractors at all they are unlicensed crooks with many states like Georgia not requiring these crooks to be licensed like plumbers and electricians and some other professions.  IT is deplorable!

If I’ve offend an honest contractor if there is such contact me with real references and more proof of honest and we’ll interview you on one of ours shows and even give you some FREE air time and maybe even talk about doing a contractors show.  Obviously you’ll first have to be capable of reading and understanding an honest offer. To you folks like me PLEASE be careful and check and double and triple check out that contractor before you let that crook get in your pocket. By checking and checking it will ultimately save you time and lots of money.  Let’s figure out how to ONLY use the honest contractor and highlight and DESTROY the dishonest! Good Luck!

10/05/18 Guest Michael McCool

It never hurts to review smart personal financial management. Reviewing the fundamentals and getting a perspective on current strategies can help you tweak your own plan and make a difference in your future lifestyle. Financial management is after all about lifestyle – short and long-term. Join Ron Comacho when he talks with Michael McCool of CPC Advisors to gain insight about how to start or tweak a financial strategy and a plan that can make that difference.

09/28/18 Guest Dr. Ann Schiebert

How do lives and relationships get out of balance? Why do the wheels fall off? Where does the love and romance go? There are ways to nurture, sustain and repair relationships but it might take a little work and some time. Learn more about the care and maintenance of healthy relationships when Ron Comacho talks with Dr. Ann Schiebert, author of the Let’s Make a Contract book series.

09/21/18 Guest Steve Alterman

What does it take to create and sustain a highly successful restaurant in a super competitive marketplace. Hint: it’s even more than a great menu, great people and a super setting. Learn about the ingredients for decades of success when Ron Comacho talks with Steve Alterman, owner and founder of the Horseradish Grill – and learn the secret recipe.

FLASHBACK TO 1996 The BloodHound Gang

Recorded the song that could now be Trump’s theme Song “Why’s Everybody Always Picking on Me?” when in fact it should have been Obama’s and the media never laid a hand on Obama.  

Now I must admit that Trump even to me can at times be somewhat annoying but then I look at our beautiful FIRST Lady and figure old Trump can ‘t be too bad.  Then I look at a thriving industrial relieved of ridiculous restrictions like in the oil and coal industries and then on to a proud military finally being supplied like it should be and AGAIN a nation the United States of America who is second to NONE and proud and sfe from our enemies because of one man TRUMP.

Yet our left-wing media and leftist in congress are relentless in “Always Picking on Trump” and if they can’t find something legitimate they make it up.  There’s only been one human to walk the face of the earth that was perfect and it’s not Trump BUT for all that has been thrown at him by the idiot “let’s make it up LEFT” Trump continues to come out unscathed by the left’s empty attempts to re-write the truth. From Chuckie Schumer to the plastic surgeon’s queen Pelosi their failed attempts have gone no where and in this writer’s opinion only the truth NOT liberal fabrications win and Trump hold the winning Wruth Hand. Wand will show it in 2018 and 2020.

So why’s everybody picking on Trump and getting NO where because it is not the truth and the liberals just dig their hole deeper and deeper with their lies and will.  

You have a BLOG you’d like published on America’s WebRadio website send it it in along with $10 to our PayPal account just for our cost of handling and it will be published.