Do you ever take time to sit back and reflect on the changes of today. It’s like our kids or my kids 33 and 31 grew up with computers really even in their cribs of some sort or the monitor that monitored every move they made and yet today that is really old tech! Then again if you’ve lived more than three decades almost everything is old tech. It is amazing what the transistor and chip have lead to and most if not all directly or indirectly associated to and with the sixties space program. I can remember, because I’m so old some of the new tech back in the sixties and early seventies was labeled as coming from the “Devil’s Work Shop” and could only lead to the destruction of the world. Well maybe in its own way it has or has it prevented the destruction of the world by man?
When and where I got my BS is exactly what I got. It sure didn’t prepare me to handle even the simplest of computers, do you remember that project you had to do in the “Computer Lab” with punch cards and talking about “hanging chads” all those stupid little holes had to match up. Well just as today I couldn’t figure it out so I took the entrepreneurial way out and hired some geek to do it for me. The geek has probably made millions and I still don’t understand those damn punch cards. But life goes on with me not understanding more and more of the high tech stuff. Like I really can’t get too excited about driving down the street and seeing a car coming towards me with no driver, how about you? And many hi-tech products coming down the gadget world towards all of us. Which brings up the question, how much money does it take to stay current with the hi-tech world? Only Gates has enough.
The question is what’s next well it can’t be the Dick Tracy telephone watch from the comics we already have one. So what do you think is next? Let me know or if you’re looking for an affordable way to nationally expose your business contact me at and let’s do the old thing of talking on the phone, “Smart phone of course”.
Hope you enjoyed this blog and it made you reflect. You like conservative and varied listen to Thanks!
Oh do we have all this hi-tech and changes because the world is spinning faster on its axis or is just because of Global Warming thank you very much.