08/18/17 Guest Jay Holder

Join Ron Comacho, host of The Business Hour when he talks with Jay Holder of the ATC (running) about this world-class organization.

07/28/17 Guest Allie Kelly

Join Ron Comacho, when he talks with Allie Kelly, the Executive Director of The Ray, an organization that’s helping us to drive the future.

07/07/17 Guest Kim McPherson

Join Ron and his guest as they discuss Texas wine and particularly grape grown in West Texas and the McPherson Cellars quality wines. Great Show!


This Week’s DagRave

                The Democrats are for “free” public college tuition. Perhaps that is a way to get more males into college or maybe it’s just a way to insure more money going to a reliable Democrat constituency including many near worthless academics who couldn’t possibly find a well-paying job in the private, let alone become economically productive, sector.

Today females outnumber males by around a million students. Males are opting out of incurring debt to attend the increasingly male hostile atmosphere of the all too typical college, hence, let’s make public colleges tuition-free. Free tuition presumably will make it more attractive for males to continue their adolescent pursuits of attending football games, drinking beer and chasing women while preparing for careers as waiters or, if they have nothing better to do, go to law school. After all, why would the Democrat party want to address the real issues?

Meanwhile female students have fewer potential mates to check out while they pursue programs and activities once thought inappropriate for them.

Colleges and certain graduate and professional schools, desperate for revenue after spending all previously available “free” money (federal loans given to students) on fancy buildings and exploding numbers of high salaried administrative staffs, continue to gut entrance requirements, search for foreign students, lower academic standards by expecting ever less from their students, and add frivolous courses as a lure to attract the non-educationally inclined. Credentialed does not equal educated. Why read Shakespeare when you can get college credit for reading comic books?

06/09/17Guest Richard Johnson

Join Ron Comacho, host of The Business Hour when he talks with Richard Johnson, Founder and CEO
of Air Allergen and President of the Fulton Asthma Improvement & Reduction Coalition and
the Georgia Healthy Homes Coalition to learn more about how to diagnose the
condition of your indoor air with quality science to provide evidence-based choices.

06/02/17 Guest Chris Grigalunas

Join Ron and his guest Chris Grigalunas, race car driver, certified instructor, founder and CEO of Azul Motorsports which is dedicated to introducing clients to the thrill of motorsports in a very on-track.

05/19/17 Guest Steve Sharples

Join Ron Comacho, host of The Business Hour when he talks with Steve Sharples to get the inside scoop about the restaurant business.

04/21/17 Guest Robin Schick

Growing any small business year after year isn’t an easy task – but when you rely on a supply of farm products
that are then crafted into an artisanal food, in a highly competitive food marketplace – that’s a whole other another story.
And what does it take to make quality award-winning cheese? Join Ron Comacho, host of The Business Hour when he talks
with Robin Schick, founder of Calyroad Creamery,– to get an insider view of the business, the business environment,
what it takes to grow a business and which it takes to make a product almost all of us love – great tasting cheese.

04/14/17 Guest Dr. Ken Miller

American medicine is on the leading edge in a variety of specialties including Emergency Medicine. But what goes into creating a quality Emergency Room? It’s a little late to review ERs when it’s time to go – so what do you need to know about small clinics vs. large hospitals and between conventional ERs and Trauma Centers. Get an insider perspective on Emergency Medicine when Ron Comacho, host of The Business Hour, talks with Dr. Kenneth Miller, Head of Emergency Medicine at Emory Healthcare’s Saint Joseph’s Hospital