Chaos at the southern boarder; disastrous rout in Afghanistan; suckered by the Taliban into killing innocents including children via a drone strike; looming run-a-way inflation; the list goes on. So the Democrats turn to Covid-19 as cover for the real agenda. The Republicans fall into the trap. We must stand for freedom and liberty say the Republicans while the Democrats stand for saving lives-an abstraction with little or no relevance to most Americans vs. induced panic with full support of the main stream media. The American people are in favor of mask mandates and coercive vaccination rules. Facts don’t matter if you create an atmosphere of fear and accuse the Republicans of promoting death. Governor DeSantis should be discussing the new FDA guidelines, natural immunity for those who have recovered from Covid and the dangers to the young of the vaccines as compared with a mortality rate that is less than for some versions of the flu not about suing the Biden administration even if Florida should do so. The attack should be about the Democrat’s fear mongering and failure to “follow the science”. It should be about the goal to turn the United States into a third world country ruled by a diffuse oligarchy through control of the levers of power and information, the granting of wealth, and the promise of status to those who cooperate..
Those who fear a threat to liberty are with the Republican Party but there is a group just as large lead by the “intellectuals “centered in academia and supported by the MSM whose contempt for ordinary Americans combined with their self-regard is so great that they believe in turning citizens into subjects as long as they picture themselves as giving the orders rather than taking them. Marx and Lenin were very specific about the necessity of a vain intellectual vanguard to mislead the recalcitrant allegedly oppressed classes to a future utopia; after all, many members of those classes do not know what is good for them. Lies and demagoguery are acceptable in pursuit of higher goals. That and the ideologically motivated censorship by Google, Facebook, and Twitter are admittedly hard to overcome resulting in the fear of saying or writing something defined as offensive by the woke mob like telling the truth about crime or quoting the Bible.
Intellectuals as a class are always subverters. They are credentialed; they claim they are compassionate; they resent those undeserving rubes who are more financially successful and happier; if asked, many will tell you that they know what is a good and equitable society and it doesn’t include Christianity or Jewish believers. Intellectuals as a class are easily manipulated by the promise of status and rentier generated income by the truly powerful that use utopian schemes to appeal to the mass of people while they shift enormous wealth up stream and create a dependent low paid underclass.
…..The pandemic has given the subverters and seekers of more wealth and power at all costs (known as Democrats and their backers) with the excuse to seize more through their alliance with the federal bureaucracy, academia, a thoroughly corrupt MSM, and the major corporations including the high tech companies. The Republican response is largely ineffective and pitiable. Check out Biden’s poll numbers which are still in the mid 40% range. Democrats are for saving lives; Republicans are against that. A created atmosphere, not mere facts, matter most. See, Saul Alinsky and the destruction of Trump among the “right” people.
Robert D’Agostino