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On Point With Victor






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On Point With Victor

Victor Armendariz is a frequent guest host on the nationally syndicated Erick Erickson show, and is a former general election candidate for United States Congress. Victor is also a speaker, with topics covering politics, the Consumption Tax (FairTax), and motivational speaker (Victor is a cancer survivor). Victor has a passion with connecting to as many listeners as possible by approaching issues and problems with common sense and logic. Victor is a proud American of Mexican heritage, so he can spice up a show! Tune in and hear for yourself!

With Victor Armendariz and his guest, Gregory Howard, candidate for Georgia state senate, district 7.
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz, Marc the Shark, and David Moxley
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
A special two hour show with Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz and his guest Georgia gubernatorial candidate Kandiss Taylor.
Do you know which party it is? Don't worry, I am going to tell you.
With Victor Armendariz
First Black woman to the Supreme Court, not quite Biden, let me remind you of Janice Rogers Brown.
With Victor Armendariz
Are you paying attention to the establishment repubs? They are spending like drunken democrats.
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
Everything you need to know about the Jussie Smollett trial, and a special announcement from Victor.
What is going on with Guatemala Harris, and my new predictions for 2024.
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
He's not angry...He's just right.
Stacey Abrams and the other wokes took away the Allstar game, but they cannot take away the World Series.
Go Braves!
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
Special Friday Edition
With Victor Armendariz
Is it time to ask the question...what is wrong with President Biden?
With Victor Armendariz
Has there ever been a more incompetent administration? In Biden's words, "I'm serious folks". Where are the resignations for this travesty? Where is the accountability? Let's discuss today on the On Point With Victor radio show.
Biden owns this disaster and I'll tell you why.
With Victor Armendariz and his guest, Navy veteran and political consultant, Larry Gause.
Biker rally bad, sophisticated dem birthday party good...Seriously!
With Victor Armendariz
Establishment rhino republicans to screw us again?
With Victor Armendariz
Is there any part of the US Constitution that the Democrats like? With Victor Armendariz
Runaway Texas dems meet with President Guatemala Harris...
With Victor Armendariz
Let 's talk the 4th of July
With Victor Armendariz
Say hello to Haig - Simons and the new tax train
With Victor Armendariz
GuateKamala visits Guatemala... and embarrassed herself and us...
With Victor Armendariz
According to our VP, Memorial Day is just a long weekend...but we know better...
With Victor Armendariz
So the truth about covid19 comes out.
With Victor Armendariz
Are the Democrats on a mission to buy the 2022 election?
With Victor Armendariz
With Victor Armendariz
Americans, time to stand up, take off the mask and knock the power crazed politicians off their pedestal.
With Victor Armendariz
Americans, time to stand up, take off the mask and knock the power crazed politicians off their pedestal.
With Victor Armendariz
Horrible messaging coming from the Biden admin and dems
With Victor Armendariz
Cancelling Georgia? What's Next?
With Victor Armendariz
Gun violence? Well that depends on the color of the perp...
With Victor Armendariz
Victor's tribute to The Godfather...and the On Point w/Victor topic rundown
With Victor Armendariz
Texas, a green new disaster - An insight to what is in store for the entire country...
With Victor Armendariz
Planning a flight...better think again....
With Victor Armendariz
First Amendment for me...but not you...
With Victor Armendariz
In record time, Biden enters the US in a new armed conflict...what, you haven't heard
With host Victor Armendariz
Time to use your intelligence...not your emotions... With host Victor Armendariz
Host Victor Armendariz remote from Orlando Florida.
Hosts Victor Armendariz and David Moxley discuss the importance of the upcoming runoff elections in Georgia.
Hosts Victor Armendariz and David Moxley discuss the importance of the upcoming runoff elections in Georgia.
Hosts Victor Armendariz and David Moxley discuss the importance of the upcoming runoff elections in Georgia.
Georgia GOP chairman joins Victor and more...
All eyes on Georgia
With host Victor Armendariz
With guest host David Moxley
With host Victor Armendariz
Biden is coming Biden is coming...for your guns...
With host Victor Armendariz, and guest caller Marc from New York.
Biden is coming Biden is coming...for your guns...
With host Victor Armendariz
Amazing vaccine news and the Senate in the balance
With host Victor Armendariz
The world is not ending and I'm going to tell you why
With host Victor Armendariz
It’s Election Day!
With host Victor Armendariz
Biden comes out of the basement. And good news on the COVID-19 front
With host Victor Armendariz
Are you ok with big tech companies and the media hiding relevant news stories?
What, you haven't heard, the Democrats call for the abolishment of Obamacare and private healthcare plans. This is just one bombshell that got out at yesterday's hearings.
With host Victor Armendariz and his guest Larry Guase
Two democrats support republican candidate for Sheriff
With host Victor Armendariz
The truth about President Trump's taxes, do you have the courage to listen?
With host Victor Armendariz
Democrats turn Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy into a campaign issue.
With host Victor Armendariz
Enough is enough, time to get real blm and the mobs
With host Victor Armendariz
As the virus numbers drop so does the Biden/Kamala ticket
With host Victor Armendariz
The new Biden campaign tag line is out, "Vote for Biden or your cities will burn"
With host Victor Armendariz
Isn't it time to ask yourself why? And, who is Biden/Harris lying to?
With host Victor Armendariz
The Biden campaign goes heals up! And why will the media not say the name, Cannon Henniant?
With host Victor Armendariz
Host Victor Armendariz hits on today's topics and sits down with Josie Cruz, candidate for US Congress.
Defund the Police or Train the Police? I will discuss with Ruth "The Truth" Stringer and Harold Dennis. And a discussion with Califronia Greg and Locked and Loaded's Roger B.
With host Victor Armendariz
Why are the democrats and media against a corona wuhan virus vaccine?
With host Victor Armendariz
Just the facts man, just the facts, and Yes Virginia, Biden will defund the police.
With host Victor Armendariz
Trump wears a mask...why is the media not happy?
With host Victor Armendariz
Why do so many in the Washington elected class hate America?
Guest Ruth "The Truth" Stringer, candidate for Dekalb County Sheriff.
Have you lost faith in America? Well, let me renew your faith because America has not lost faith in you.
With host Victor Armendariz
A country without history? Does this make any sense?
With host Victor Armendariz
I would like to welcome the Nation of Chaz to the global world of Nations.
With host Victor Armendariz
Victor's guest is 15 year old Juan Bayona
Will the last person of Freedom and Liberty turn the lights out please?
With host Victor Armendariz
George Floyd was an innocent man killed by a corrupt cop. How can we make this right?
Paid for riots and agitators are making things worse. Who's behind the sponsoring of this domestic terror?
What kind of America do we want to be? Have we reached a crossroad?
With host Victor Armendariz
Facts about Hydroxychloroquine and are you blue state citizens ready to change your voting habits?
With host Victor Armendariz
Are you ready to admit now that General Flynn was framed? What did the Obama administration know and when did they know it? With host Victor Armendariz
Does the Kavanaugh standard set forth by the dems and media apply to Biden? Time to look in the mirror folks and ask yourself this common sense question. With host Victor Armendariz
The timeline of the Trump administrations response to the corona virus. More facts and real data about the virus which all lead to the reopening of America!
Why do so many democrats insist on hating and blaming America first? And, The actual Corona China Wuhan Covid19 virus timeline. Exactly what were the democrats doing and saying in January, February and March?
With host Victor Armendariz.
Main stream media is late to the "breaking news", plus, today's Liberalism is tomorrow's Socialism. With host Victor Armendariz
On Point with Victor
With Victor Armendariz
Host Victor Armendariz talks with his guests. Lt Col Amos King (Ret), and Harold Dennis candidate for Dekalb County Sheriff.
Corona be damned! With host Victor Armendariz
"Never let a good crisis go to waste" Politics before people, your democrat party and washington establishment at work"
With host Victor Armendariz
Wuhan Update and the Grumpy Old Men Debate, with guest Larry Gauze, and your host, Victor Armendariz
Host Victor Armendariz brings you a special On Point with Victor Wuhan Edition
Host Victor Armendariz asks the question:
Why is the democrat party anti woman and anti diversity?
On Point with Victor
With Victor Armendariz
What is the DNC up to? How bad is the democrats next great rich white hope? With host Victor Armendariz
Host Victor Armendariz and his guest, Dekalb County Sheriff candidate, Harold Dennis, discuss gun laws.
Sound the democrat alarms, Socialist Sanders is coming.... and a sit down with Dekalb County Sheriff candidate, Harold Dennis. With your host Victor Armendariz
Victor's Logical Analysis on the Democrat Iowa Caucus Circus. With your host Victor Armendariz
With host Victor Armendariz
Why I don't trust the establishment Republicans. With host Victor Armendariz
Host Victor Armendariz asks: Are the Dems actually propping up a terrorist?
Let’s talk the truth about government healthcare.
With host Victor Armendariz
What a Great Time to be an American With host Victor Armendariz
The truth about FISA, and excuse me while I hold the establishment Republicans accountable. With host Victor Armendariz
Host Victor Armendariz talks about The True History of Thanksgiving
Host Victor Armendariz explains why the impeachment fiasco is in a crash and burn free fall.
Host Victor Armendariz Debunks The Impeachment Hearings in One Paragraph.
Host Victor Armendariz: The democrats road to impeachment is a detour to a Trump landslide
A dose of reality and truths for Chicago, and Schiff and Pelosi are still lying. With your host, Victor Armendariz
Hillary seems to be seeing Russian people. And who is Pierre Delecto?
The duplicity of the democrat party and a conversation with Georgia house candidate Donald Schmidt. With host Victor Armendariz
Why President Trump is Not Completely Wrong on Syria
Victor's message to democrats, the global left and the UN regarding Greta, the child that the leftists so willingly used and abused.
Host Victor Armendariz asks the question: Is Journalism dead and is it time to put our foot up Iran's a...? With special guest Larry Gause.
Host Victor Armendariz provides news updates, and has a sit down with District 7 candidate Mark Gonsalves.
Victor's topic: President Trump is not crazy, but Bernie Sanders sure is.....and he is not alone.
Host Victor Armendariz asks the question: Is President Trump Really Crazy? And a sit down with a 2020 candidate from Venezuela.
Host Victor Armendariz talks about - China, Epstein and the "Just Do Something Establishment"
Victor and Roger talk about the shootings and other items in the news
Host Victor Armendariz answers listener questions, and dissects Mueller and the socialist quartet.
Victor explains why President Trump's tweet was not racist
Host Victor Armendariz talks about Soccer, Biden, and Epstein.
The latest from AOC, Biden and Nike, with your host, Victor Armendariz.
Host Victor Armendariz talks soccer and politics
Host Victor Armendariz has a history lesson for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Concentration Camps, with special guest, California Greg.
Are we losing the drug war? With special guest Sharon Ravert
Host Victor Armendariz talks about the democrat cast of 2020, and Mueller Report
Join host Victor Armendariz for his Memorial Day Tribute
Join host Victor Armendariz as he asks the question: Is socialism on it's way?
Host Victor Armendariz talks about the Democrats, and how they are threatening Attorney General Barr
I will have Dahlys Hamilton as my in studio guest today. Also, I'll be talking about Biden entering the follies....I mean race.
Victor talks with his guest Marc the Shark about the Mueller report
Victor talks about turning over your life to bureaucrats. Special guest Marc the Shark talks about the Mueller report.
Host Victor Armendariz talks politics
Victor talks with his guest Mark the Shark
Victor talks politics and climate change with his guests Roger and engineer Dave
Join host Victor Armendariz and his guests Roger Behar and Mark the Shark as they talk about the definition of capitalism
Join host Victor Armendariz as he talks about differences between political parties.
Join host Victor Armendariz for the inaugural On Point With Victor show