David’s Pet Peeves and New Shows

David’s Pet Peeves

We want to hear from you after we list ours.

  1. 1.  The goof ball driver that cuts you off or cuts in front of you.
  2. 2.  In Atlanta we have “Neighbor” papers, and the Journal Constitution that all throw free “rags” on our  yards. I’ve called the dispatch at the AJC 9 times asking they stops.  Works until they get a new driver and it starts all over again.
  3. 3.  People that are talking loudly before church or making other noise.
  4. 4.  “More Better” I have never seen a time that TV personalities, reporters or weather folks kill the          English language, what ARE they teaching in schools today?
  5. 5.  Stupid time consuming emails
  6. 6.  Someone that is always late
  7. 7.  Not getting what you are paying for!
  8. 8.  Someone that is NOT dependable in word
  9. 9.  The car next to me that is playing music loud enough to be heard across the state line.
  10. 10.  Anyone that cuts in line or generally does something to insinuate that their time is more valuable then yours.
  11. 11.  Doctors that don’t appreciate your time too.
  12. 12.  Parents that don’t make their kids mind in public.
  13. 13.  Crying babies in expensive restaurants.

New Shows and Coming Soon

Land Surveying Hour

Healthcare Insight

The Venezuelan Hour

Patient  Advocate

And more great guests and hosts


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Thanks, and have a great fall.

