Skip Coryell now lives with his wife and children in Michigan. He works full time as a professional writer, and is the author of 11 books. He is an avid hunter and sportsman who loves the outdoors. Skip is also a Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of Cornerstone University. Skip is an Adjunct Professor of writing at Cornerstone University. He is a Certified USCCA Pistol Instructor and teaches concealed carry classes in Michigan (www.mwtac.com). He also teaches Advanced Concealed Carry Classes for the more seasoned shooter. Skip is the President of White Feather Press and the co-owner of Midwest Tactical Training. Skip is the founder of the Second Amendment March (www.secondamendmentmarch.com). He is also the co-host of the number one military talk radio show in the country, Frontlines of Freedom. (www.frontlinesoffreedom.com)
Home Defense
Skip Coryell now lives with his wife and children in Michigan. He works full time as a professional writer, and is the author of 11 books. He is an avid hunter and sportsman who loves the outdoors. Skip is also a Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of Cornerstone University. Skip is an Adjunct Professor of writing at Cornerstone University. He is a Certified USCCA Pistol Instructor and teaches concealed carry classes in Michigan (www.mwtac.com). He also teaches Advanced Concealed Carry Classes for the more seasoned shooter. Skip is the President of White Feather Press and the co-owner of Midwest Tactical Training. Skip is the founder of the Second Amendment March (www.secondamendmentmarch.com). He is also the co-host of the number one military talk radio show in the country, Frontlines of Freedom. (www.frontlinesoffreedom.com)
This week on the Home Defense Show Skip will discuss a new class offered by Gabe Suarez called "Killing within the Law".
Author: Skip Coryell
‘This week on the Home Defense Show with Skip Coryell Skip is interviewing Terri Stocke, the President of Second Amendment March as we prepare for the rally at the Michigan State Capitol on April 26th.’
‘This week on the Home Defense Show with Skip Coryell, we'll be talking about a new product that locks up your gun, making it readily accessible but also safe from children. We'll also discuss the up and coming Second Amendment March.’
‘This week on the Home Defense Show with Skip Coryell we study gunfighting skills by analyzing the three most important aspects of a gunfight.’
This week on The Home Defense Show we speak with author Doug Giles and how the effeminization of the American male affects the average family's ability to protect itself from crime.’
‘This week on the Home Defense Show with Skip Coryell we are interviewing Bruce Beach author of the book "Society After Doomsday" and will be discussing how your family can survive and perhaps even flourish after societal collapse by organizing your community to cope with anarchy and chaos after TEOTWAWKI.’
‘This week on the Home Defense Show we interview Bart Bacolini, Master Instructor in use on non-lethal force. Bart will explain the pros and cons of using deadly force over less than lethal options such as Tasers and pepper spray.’
‘This week on the Home Defense Show we'll be talking about how to keep your family safe during a short or long term societal collapse. Now is the time to prepare.’
This week on the Home Defense Show we speak with Trim from South Dakota, an avid prepper with a wealth of knowledge about how to prepare your family for short and long term societal unrest.’
‘This week on the Home Defense Show with Skip Coryell, we'll be interviewing Sheriff Dar Leaf, winner of the 2016 Sheriff of the Year award which is given out each year by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officer Association of America. We'll also analyze the history and duties of the office of Sheriff dating back 2600 years.’
This week on The Home Defense Show we speak with author Yehuda Remer about his book "Safety On - An Introduction to the World of Firearms for Children". Yehuda is an orthodox Jew, raised in the anti-gun stronghold of Los Angeles and educated in Israel. We'll also discuss why most American Jews are anti-gun.’
‘This week on The Home Defense Show Skip Coryell speaks with Firearms Instructor Bill Keller on the topic of personal defense and aging. Skip discusses the aging process and the need to change the way you train as well as your lifestyle to enhance your own personal safety.’
Author: Skip Coryell
This week on the Home Defense Show we'll be interviewing Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America. Larry and Skip will be discussing possible upcoming changes as President elect Donald Trump begins his administration. We'll also discuss national reciprocity and how to safely and legally navigate through Chicago while armed.’
Author: Skip Coryell
"This week on the Home Defense Show we'll be having fun with novelist George Hill as we discuss his "Uprising" series and how to protect your family from none other than the great zombie apocalypse! If you can defend against hordes of brain-eating zombies, then your home is truly safe!"
This week on the Home Defense show, we'll be speaking with International fire arms trainer Gabe Suarez from Suarez international about what it takes to become the complete personal defense fighter.
Join Skip as he speaks with Larry Jackson from Elite Firearms and Training about his unique way of personally fitting firearms and with Chris Ford, author of the children's book "A Family Guide to Gun Safety."
This week on the Home Defense Show with Skip Coryell, he'll be interviewing Joel Fulton from Freedom Firearms and discussing the coming Trump administration and what that will mean to gun owners. We'll also be discussing safe and effective ways to carry your concealed pistol.
This week on the Home Defense Show Skip and his guest are talking about race and how it factors into personal defense. Our guest will be Firearms Instructor, Rick Ector, who will tell us all about dealing with crime in Detroit. Rick is the founder of Legally Armed in Detroit (LAID).
Join Skip and his guest Matt Canovi as they discuss how to harden your home against crime. Matt also described the training he offers as well as own REAL Defensive Shooting System.
Join Skip and his guest as they give their take on the election.